Nayan Rahasya

Movie review

Nayan Rahasya: A Feluda Film That Misses the Mark

Nayan Rahasya, the latest installment in the Feluda film series directed by Sandip Ray, offers a visually appealing mystery but struggles to capture the magic of the earlier films starring Sabyasachi Chakraborty.

The Good:

  • Visually Captivating: The film boasts stunning cinematography, especially in the diverse locations like Chennai.
  • Intriguing Premise: The central mystery surrounding a young boy with exceptional numerical abilities and a possible connection to magic holds promise.

The Bad:

  • Predictable Plot: Despite the intriguing premise, the story unfolds in a predictable manner, lacking the suspense and clever twists that characterized classic Feluda films.
  • Underdeveloped Characters: The supporting cast, including Feluda himself (played by Indraneil Sengupta), feels underdeveloped compared to the earlier films. This weakens the emotional connection and diminishes the humor often associated with Feluda’s interactions.
  • Absence of Feluda’s Charm: Sabyasachi Chakraborty’s portrayal of Feluda in earlier films embodied a unique blend of intelligence, wit, and warmth. The current iteration lacks this charisma, making Feluda appear less engaging.

Comparison to Earlier Feluda Films:

Sabyasachi Chakraborty’s Feluda films created an enduring legacy. His portrayal perfectly captured Feluda’s sharp intellect, dry humor, and unwavering sense of justice. The earlier films also excelled in crafting suspenseful narratives with well-developed supporting characters, often adding comedic relief.


Nayan Rahasya is a visually polished film with a promising premise, but it fails to match the charm and quality of the earlier Feluda films starring Sabyasachi Chakraborty. The predictable plot, underdeveloped characters, and lack of Feluda’s signature charisma leave the viewer wanting more.

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